Monday, April 12, 2010

Video/GPB Resources (Blog #6..3rd attempt...uuughhh)

I am starting to feel like Negative Nellie because week by week I get more and more frustrated with my media specialist because they just manage the media center rather than promote tools for teachers. Promotion is limited. I feel like so many people in my school reinvent the wheel rather than having one centralized place of communication for technology, video resources, research assistance and citations…you name it. There is no collaboration and more importantly no communication. The things listed above would be a great asset to teachers but teachers have so much to do, it would be nice to have a central place of information.
We do have a closed circuit cable system that continuously run announcements. This is managed by a teacher outside the Media Center that also does our student announcements called the “Toilet Paper”( it is hung in all the bathroom stalls/doors) and runs the student government, the Wall. The Wall also is responsible for doing Hoya Vision, our weekly (Fridays) announcements which come in on the closed circuit on Fridays. Teachers do not have any input directly, if we have announcements/videos we can sent them to the student government group and if deemed important/urgent they will include them in the Friday announcements, otherwise they are put on the school TV announcements that continuously run on monitors in the hall/lunchroom and/or the Toilet Paper. Communication can hard. The Media Center has no affiliation with any of the broadcasts or school videos. I am not sure if I like the fact that one teacher has the stronghold over this. Each classroom in my school is equipped with a TV and access to basic cable stations. My school does not have any access to Channel One, in fact I have only been at one school that does (10 years ago at a middle school).
After reviewing the site, I thought that the GBP was a great site for teachers. This is not something that is used or promoted at my school. I reviewed the site and it great links to programs such as understanding Chemistry and Physics, the Georgia World War II Project and exploring Georgia. It had links to education news that could be used for both teacher in-services as well as current events for students. There seemed to be a lot of free information/resources for teachers such as interactive games and literacy promotion. This is not a resources that is promoted nor is United video streaming. I would love to see a blog or wiki at our school that as teachers find these resources that it is communicated to the staff as a whole. I think that a SLMS could create a wiki space and divide by content areas, as teachers find resources shoot an email to the SLMS and they can post to wiki. Then when teachers are unit planning, they can access new resources rather than having to start from scratch…it is all about promotion and creating a active public relations program, as well as supporting teachers and student learning! The digital resources are enormous from links to music/radio, Georgia TV shows, high school sports, Capital Arts exhibits, Georgia General Assembly links, books, Carter Center, link to videos for education instruction (ex: how a bill becomes a law). You should check out this site – it has a lot and shame on us if we do not promote this to our teachers!

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